Company history
The company was established in 1942 mainly with the aim of importing various goods to Iceland, but during the sixties diesel engines for ships became the main line. The company has always been run by the same family, presently the third generation. In 1980 the company started importing computers from USA. The first computers were simple desk-top (or rather floor) units, but these were soon followed by mainframes from Qantel Corp, CA. MSI and others. Customers are mainly local, airlines, lotteries and printing shops. Today the company deals only in software, mainly for lotteries, hotels. airlines and for pilots. Please refer to the company's main site for other support. The computer-fans in the family are Stefan, Saemundur, Jarl and Bjarni, two are airline pilots and two are only associated with computers.
The company was representing Carl Zeiss (Germany) for many years. The picture is from Landmælingar Íslands (Geodedic survey) when intalling mapping systems from Zeiss.
Early computer system from Qantel in 1983.
Below are screenshots and information on currently supported software for flight planning.
Program for entering stored flightplans
Program for loadsheet and Performance
The founder of the company Mr. Stefansson with the private jet of Icejet Inc. run by family members.